1. HTML 5 Cheat Sheet (PDF)
XHTML 2 is dead, long live HTML 5! According to W3C News Archive, XHTML 2 working group is expected to stop work end of 2009 and W3C is planning to increase resources on HTML 5 instead. And even although HTML 5 won’t be completely supported until 2022, it doesn’t mean that it won’t be widely adopted within the foreseeable future.
2. HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet
The information is pretty much just a copy of what is found in the WHATWG specs, just condensed and hopefully a bit easier to read. There are virtually no explanations, however, and no examples other than some graphics for compositing values and a few other things (the appearance of which is very much inspired by those found in Mozilla’s examples). So, it’s basically just a listing of the attributes and methods of the canvas element and the 2d drawing context.
3. HTML5 Cheatsheet by storiesinflight
Here are some simple cut-and-paste examples of HTML5/CSS3 features that are currently (early 2011) usable across a number of web browsers, chief among them Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera and the upcoming IE9.
For many of the CSS3 examples, older versions of Internet Explorer are the lone holdout with a limited number of workarounds, however these features degrade gracefully and may still be useful on new projects as long as this limitation is kept in mind.
4. HTML5 in W3C Cheatsheet by w3.org
From the very first release of the cheatsheet, I’ve received requests to include the various new elements and attributes of the HTML5 specification in the cheatsheet. As a reminder, the cheatsheet is a mobile-friendly Web application that provides a compilation of useful knowledge extracted from W3C specifications
5. HTML 5 Visual Cheat Sheet by Woork
HTML 5 Visual Cheat Sheet is an useful cheat sheet for web designers and developers designed by me. This cheat sheet is essentially a simple visual grid with a list of all HTML tags and of their related attributes supported by HTML versions 4.01 and/or 5. The simple visual style I used to design this sheet allows you to find at a glance everything you are looking for.
Here’s a preview of my cheat sheet:

6. An ultimate HTML5 cheatsheet you must have
Like a lot of other web developers, I am also going to start learning HTML5. It’s time to get maximum benefit of HTML5 based browsers for our websites. Here I want to share a very useful cheatsheet on HTML5. It must be in your archive.