1. Adding a Google Map to your App
Though the Google Map craze has passed, I have decided to write a tutorial to implement a Google Map because in my opinion, I don’t feel there has been a clean, flexible method of creating a map. Also, since this is CakePHP, we like to do things properly.
2. Google Map Helper
A handy tool to generate maps using Google Map API.
I found CakePHP to be helpful with a lot of things and I loved the fact that anyone can reuse any classes made in PHP using ‘vendors’ in CakePHP. We recently wrote a CakePHP helper for generating map in CakePHP application.
The helper uses Google Maps API V2 class (http://www.phpinsider.com/php/code/GoogleMapAPI/) from phpinsider.com.
3. Google static maps helper for CakePHP
This is a simple CakePHP helper to create static maps using google API. For more information on the api and how to get an api key consult the Google Static Maps API.
How to use:
- Add helper file to your app
- Add your google api key to the core.php
- Reference it on your controller
- Use it in your view
4. YAGMH – Yet another Google Map Helper
This is just an update of the google map helper by Mahmoud Lababidi (based on an older helper by gwoo).
Some tweaks to let it work inside an ajax rendered view, and a couple of small new features (render map with zoom and center based on actual markers, and an optional minimap overview).
5. Google static maps helper for CakePHP
This is a simple CakePHP helper to create static maps using google API. For more information on the api and how to get an api key consult the Google Static Maps API.