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Top 5 Osho Books Review

More than 600 books are attributed to the controversial spiritual leader Osho. This article reviews 5 of the most popular Osho books.

1. The Book of Secrets: 112 Meditations to Discover the Mystery Within

The Book of Secrets was published after his death in 1990 is a compendium of his lectures and follow-up question and answer periods. The reader will enjoy the casual and conversational style of the book and it makes for an easy read.

This is one of the longest Osho books with more than 1,100 pages. Osho gives us a comprehensive and practical guide to learning how to meditate. He believed that without meditation we can never discover the deep secrets of life but merely its surface.

The meditation techniques are based on ancient texts that have been translated to contemporary understanding. Each of the 112 meditations are described in detail and explained how best to put them to use in our everyday modern lives.

Whether you have a particular faith you follow or not you will derive great benefits through meditation. And you needn’t go to a temple to practice it-any quiet place will do. Your mind and body is temple enough along with the willingness and courage to experiment with something new.

2. Tantra: The Supreme Understanding

Of the more than 600 Osho books, Tantra is his all time best seller. For more than 1,000 years the writings of Tilopa, the 11th century Indian master of Tantra have lived on. Tilopa passed on his mystical insights to his student, Naropa, in the form of his Song of Mahamudra.

Osho, in his humorous, beautiful yet powerful way, teaches Tantra through Tilopa’s song piece by piece, showing how Tantric meditation techniques and mystical insights apply to our lives today.

3. EMOTIONS: Freedom from Anger, Jealousy & Fear

Life is nothing if not emotional, and not understanding our emotions and how to deal with them effectively lies at the core of many of our problems. And these problems not only affect our physical, mental and sexual health but also our energy levels, sleep pattern and relationships with our loved ones.

In Emotions, Osho gives us a guide that is both practical and comprehensive that helps to master our emotions by watching and learning from them when they arise. And once we learn this our emotions no longer have the power to provoke us.

4. Love, Freedom, Aloneness: The Koan of Relationships

If you are truly seeking something different from the same old worn out advice on relationships, then this is just the book for you. Love, Freedom and Aloneness was also published after his death from his teachings.

In it we find, that only by learning to live by ourselves and with ourselves first, can we cultivate real freedom in our lives; and this freedom allows us to find love and happiness with someone else. The book is a free flowing dialogue on how to balance lifestyle, love and meditation- not a 12 step formula.

5. Being in Love: How to Love with Awareness and Relate Without Fear

In this book Osho challenges us to question what we think we know about love and opens us up the idea that love, instead of consisting of jealousy and possessiveness, is natural and fulfilling.

He dares us to resist the patterns we’ve learned from culture and those around us that are unhealthy, and rediscover being love and loving without expectation. From an early time we’ve been so filled with rubbish about what love is that by the time we are ready to explore the world of love there is not much hope we can tell the difference between what is real and what is false.

Osho asks us to explore new ways to love that will forever change our relationships by answering the questions that so many lovers face including how to:

• Become a life partner with whom someone

• Be fully present in your relationships

• Love without clinging

• Free yourself from the fear of being alone

• Let go of expectations, rules, and demands

• Keep your love fresh and alive

• Surrender your ego so you can surrender to love

These 5 Osho books go far beyond the understanding of conventional psychology and bring unique insight to the workings of the mind, heart and essence of being.

Source by Lynn Devereaux

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