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Another Reason to Find a Kindle for Sale: Dollar Bargains

Once you have purchased a Kindle for sale, you have access to a selection of nearly a million digital versions of published books, each selling for a fraction of the bookstore price. You also can browse well-known blogs and read popular newspapers and magazines, often before the print version hits the newsstands. Carrying around 3,000 books, magazines, and documents in a palm-size device, with more stored in your personal online storage space, you are unlikely to run out of reading material anytime soon.

But there’s another reason to keep the lamp on your nightstand burning until the morning hours. Amazon offers bargain-priced digital books produced just for Kindle readers. The Kindle is not limited to New York Times bestsellers and works distributed by major publishing houses. There’s a quite sizeable and ever-growing collection of books, many self-published, available at the Kindle Store, some selling for as little as 99 cents.

Exactly what kind of book can you get for 99 cents? Take a look at the ratings and reader comments. Says one: “I have read hundreds of romance novels… I have never done any review of any single book because I have yet to find one I can call as THE ONE, which is worth the time and the effort to give praise to an author for a romance book that’s superbly done… [This book] is THE ONE.”

One author, who goes by the name John Locke, has a series of eight (and counting) action novels and has a large and loyal following to rival Tom Clancy or Robert Ludlum. One reader says his novels “are a fast, fun ride. There is never a dull moment in his books, they are compulsively readable.” Says another, “All I can say is WOW!!! This book met/exceeded all my expectations… You can’t write fast enough to suit me.”

Not a bad investment for less than the price of a Starbucks Espresso. At the time of this writing, ten of the top 20 bestselling books in the Kindle Store were offered for five dollars or less; seven were 99 cents. John Locke has four bestselling books, each 99 cents per copy. According to his Amazon author biography page, “Every 7 seconds, 24 hours a day, a John Locke novel is downloaded somewhere in the world.”

Selling ebooks through the Kindle Store is beneficial to authors and readers alike. In the past, writers had to find a publisher willing to pick up their manuscript. Today, they can simply self-publish their works and make them available online. One bestselling author named Amanda Hocking had manuscripts rejected hundreds of times before deciding to self-publish. Altogether her books, which she sells for a dollar each, are downloaded around 300,000 times in a month. This means about $200,000 in profit for the author, much more than a typical print author can make.

Self-publishing through the Kindle Store also benefits readers. Many now-classic books almost did not see the light of day because no publisher was willing to take them. Gone with the Wind was rejected by 38 publishers; Chicken Soup for the Soul got 140 rejections. With the Kindle Store, readers get to choose for themselves whether a book is worth their time and investment.

If 99 cents is still too much, the Kindle Store also offers an extensive selection of free ebooks of various genres. Many of these are of high quality; four and five star reader ratings abound among the top selections.

So if you’re looking for yet another reason to find a Kindle for sale, low-priced, high-quality reading material available through the Kindle Store is it.

Source by Dan Gee

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