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Practice the Law of Attraction in Your Daily Life

A journey to success is also a journey of personal development. It is a battle against our old unproductive thoughts, habits and behaviors. We need to get ourselves prepared spiritually, emotionally and physically for this journey. The Law of Attraction says that you will attract whatever you focus your energy and attention on, whether it is wanted or unwanted. Applying the Law of Attraction in your life and living a positive life will accelerate your journey to success. Here are some Law of Attraction tactics that will help you start your day with positive high energy.

Positive Attitude — Attitude is everything. Keep yourself away from negative emotions and negative people. Train yourself to maintain a positive attitude to life. Practice positive thinking even when things in your life do not go well. You will likely attract other positive people, happiness, success, abundance and wealth in your life.

Visualization — Betty Miles said visualization can play a major role in generating enthusiasm from within. It get your subconscious mind focus on what you want. If you picture yourself living in a life style you desire and picture yourself being happier and healthier emotionally, physically, and financially, you will have the ability to draw what you need to enable those pictures to come true. Create a vision board to practice visualization.

Affirmation — Write down what you want and read it to yourself repeatedly every day. The more often you declare it to the Universe, the more possibly it will come true.

Focus On Your Goal & Move Forward — It is easy for people to be distracted by happenings in their life and lose their focus. Focus on your goals and always press forward towards your goal even though it is a small step at a time. Do not let obstacles stop you. Overcoming obstacles is a part of the process in achieving your goals. In the end, you will realize that those obstacles are no obstacles any more. Join The Law of Attraction Club to network with like-minded people!

Learn From The Masters of Law of Attraction

Napoleon Hill (1883 – 1970) — an American author who was one of the earliest producers of the modern genre of personal-success literature. His most famous work, Think and Grow Rich, is one of the best-selling books of all time. This easy-to-read guide to personal achievements is based on the principles behind the success of Carnegie, Ford, Edison, and other 20th-century tycoons. Millions of readers around the world have adopted its philosophy to attain career advancement, improve friendships and business relationships, build monetary wealth and live a richer fuller life.

Bob Proctor — an author, lecturer, business consultant and personal development coach. He is an important advocate of the law of attraction theory and a primary contributor to the movie The Secret. He teaches positive thinking, self-motivation and maximizing human potential which are usually missing in our school education. Bob Proctor’s thinking has been heavily influenced by the work of Napoleon Hill, Wallace D. Wattles and Earl Nightingale. He digested the great wisdom of Napoleon Hill, Wallace D Wattles and others and explains it in an easy to understand way so that people can apply it in their lives. When your mind is programmed to operate at its fullest potential, you are geared to achieve great results in your finance, health and relationship. Two of Bob Proctor’s popular books are: You Were Born Rich and The Science of Getting Rich.

Jim Rohn (1930 – 2009) — was an American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker. His work has been influential in launching or furthering the careers of many others in the personal development industry, including Anthony Robbins, Mark Victor Hansen, Brian Tracy and Jack Canfield. Jim Rohn was considered a “Business Philosopher”. He said “Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.” Start to Invest in your skills and personal development.

Brian Klemmer — a graduate of the United States Military Academy, is a best-selling author, highly respected speaker and seminar leader. His company, Klemmer & Associates Leadership Seminars, Inc., has worked with hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world, helping them produce measurable and long-lasting changes in their lives. His clients include Aetna Life Insurance, American Suzuki Corporation, General Electric, Walt Disney Attractions, and a dozen network-marketing and direct-sales companies. His book The Compassionate Samurai: How to be Extraordinary in an Ordinary World, will expand your definition of success and give you the character tools to produce extraordinary results for yourself and others.

Christian D. Larson (1874 -??) — a New Thought leader and teacher, as well as a prolific author of metaphysical and New Thought books. Read his inspiring essay I Promise Myself, from time to time to keep yourself emotionally strong, positive and caring and immune to the negativity you come across.

Source by Oliver Gu

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