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Blog Traffic Techniques and Ideas


It does not topic whether you are blogging for finance or as a fun; it is very nice to know that someone is interested in reading your personal blog. Maintaining and increasing your blog traffic takes work. Here we discuss some important ways to increase traffic to your blog. (check this article for specifically Facebook related tips)

Social media

Facebook and twitter are the most popular ways of increase traffic to your blog. There are lots of social media sites such as Digg, Stumble upon, yahoo Buzz, and delicious that will bring traffic to your blog. Spend your time in learning how blog work, and add the important tool to your blog to make it simple for your readers to share your posts.

Blog network & forums.

Participating in different blog network is another important way of increasing traffic to your personal blog. The network blogs of Facebook tools permit you to connect with other similar bloggers with same interest on both Facebook and your blog. There are lots of other communities and private forums also, where bloggers can network. Many bloggers have also setup community forums where followers can connect to discuss their service or product and style in their industry.

Blog challenges & boot camps.

Professional bloggers host blog challenges and bootcamps that support both new bloggers and veteran take their blogs to the second level. Mostly these challenges focus on enhance your learning, design to promote your blog, and increase your followers. Many of the professional blogger participate in these program together become real followers of each others personal blogs.

Blog commenting.

If you have a desire to increase your blog traffic, you have got out there and social network. Go and start commenting on different similar niche blogs. Share your advice and experience by commenting and also attract different users to your blog by blog commenting. It is a professional way of increasing traffic.

Guest posting.

Guest posting is another way of increase traffic to your blog. Sometimes different bloggers will advertise they are searching for someone to guest post for them, or you could easily a fellow blogger if they would consider permitting you to guest post. The guest posting will depiction you to a fresh group of latent trackers that may later become your regular readers.

Developing loyal readers.

If you have been blogging for a while, you have possibly fresh loyal followers that have been with you from one day. These are the followers that you want to preserve a relationship with and can also use to increase your blog traffic. Ask for their response on different niche that you are writing about, or when you are making large changes to your personal blog.  This will make your followers feel important and it also help you to know that you value your opinion.

Your goal as a blogger to increase your ranking in popular search engine such as Google, yahoo, ask and MSN. In order to get your powerful content crawled by engines spiders you will be needed to submit your blog URL, this step increase your blog traffic very short time.


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