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Do social media experts can help new startups & businesses?

It’s always been said that you cannot create social buzz for your company or startup without hiring a Social media expert.

Lets see what great marketer has to say about this.

1.  Startups: No, You Don’t Need To Hire A Social Media Expert by Dave Fleet

Let’s face it – the startup stage isn’t the time in a company lifecycle when resources are flush. You’re not likely to be walking around with a large marketing team; you don’t have big operating budget.

In that context, each dollar needs to deliver maximum return. Why hire someone at a premium when you can bring someone in-house with multiple skill sets – who can drive customer support and handle online support too? Who can handle your PR or marketing and integrate that strategy with your online activities? Hell, you might not even be at the point of investing in outside marketing help yet – why would you consider an even narrower function?

2. Do startups need to hire social media experts? by Francis Tan, TNW

First and foremost, let me tell you that the product is still the number one priority. If you’re going to market a bad product that hides behind a smokescreen of flowery words and flashy ads, it might sell for a while until people start to experience how crappy it is. One thing to keep in mind is that other startups are using social media as well so if you screw your shot, chances are people will just move on and talk about the next big thing.

3. Why I Will Never, Ever Hire A “Social Media Expert”

Being an expert in social media is like being an expert at taking the bread out of the refrigerator. You might be the best bread-taker-outer in the world, but you know what? The goal is to make an amazing sandwich, and you can’t do that if all you’ve done in your life is taken the bread out of the fridge.

Social media is just another facet of marketing and customer service. Say it with me. Repeat it until you know it by heart. Bind it as a sign upon your hands and upon thy gates. Social media, by itself, will not help you.

4. WHY Outsourcing Your Social Media is a Bad Idea by Rick Bakas

The rise of social media in business is approaching mass adoption. On a bell curve graph, we’ve progressed past “Early Adopters” and are now ascending up the graph to the top of the curve. How businesses are adopting social media is all over the board. Some businesses saw the writing on the wall, and began changing their internal culture to make new forms of communication part of their day-to-day. On the other hand, many businesses didn’t get social media but knew they had to have skin in the game so they found someone to “do” their social media for them. That strategy has all sorts of flaws associated with it and isn’t sustainable. Outsourcing your social media presence is like outsourcing your wedding vows. You don’t need someone else to tell the one you love that you care about them. It won’t come from the heart and won’t be as authentic as if you tell (or show) someone you care about them. No one can care about their own community better than the brand’s own employees.

5.  What Do Social Media Marketers Know About Tech? SURVEY RESULTS by Jolie O’Dell in ReadWriteWeb

Over the past couple days, we’ve been able to put together a decent picture and identify some knowledge gaps and points of confusion for many would-be social media experts. But first, let’s address why some of the RWW staff – and many of our readers, some of whom must hire social media experts – feel it’s important for even the most marketing-oriented of consultants to have a rudimentary understanding of the workings of the Web, including its ecosystem of companies and applications.

6. How to Choose the Right Social Media Consultant for Your Business 

With the strong emergence of social media in the internet marketing world, every Tom, Dick and Harry has come out saying they are social media experts. They are feeding on the desires of entrepreneurs who do not have time to dedicate to developing their social media presence effectively. If you do not ask the right questions you may wind up spending thousands of dollars and get no results. That’s why I created this guide to help you choose the best social media consultant for your company.

Also, 1 article that is worth checking

7. 10 Key Online Hires For Your Startup by Elance (Startup cloud)

Today, there is a new way to build a business. You can launch a startup without renting an office and without hiring employees. Instead you can build a virtual team. Whether it is IT, marketing or creative services you need, top talent is ready to work for you only when you need them.

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