Moon Diver PS3 Game Reviews and Video

Moon Diver PS3 Game Reviews and Video

Description: Moon Diver (Mūndaibā, MOON DIVER?), formerly known as Necromachina, is a side-scrolling platforming video game developed by feelplus and published by Square Enix. It was released for the PSN on March 29, 2011. A XBLA release date is set for April 2011. Reviews: 1. Moon Diver Review by GameSpot […]

Killzone 3 For PS3 Reviews

Description The game picks up immediately after the ending of Killzone 2 and follows the previous games’ main protagonist, Sev, a Special Forces operative fighting for the Interplanetary Strategic Alliance against the Helghast Empire. The game continues shortly after Sev successfully defeated Radec and Rico having killed Visari, the Helghast […]