1. Integrating Facebook Connect with CakePHP’s Auth component

I wanted to be able to leverage all of the advantages of using Cake’s built in Auth component in my latest application; problem was that the application needed to allow for both normal user accounts and Facebook Connect generated user accounts

2.  CakePHP Facebook Plugin — Auth+Facebook and more

The purpose of the Facebook plugin is to provide a seamless way to connect your cakePHP app to everyone’s favorite social networking site — Facebook. The goal for this plugin is to not only provide extremely useful dynamic features but to also provide a complete interface to the Facebook API.

This plugin is specifically for CakePHP 1.3
Example App: http://facebook.webtechnick.com
Example App Source: http://svn.xp-dev.com/svn/facebook_example_app/

3. Integrating Facebook Connect

In this Tutorial I will show you how easily you can integrate the new Facebook Connect Open Graph API into your CakePHP Application.
In this Tutorial we are using the CakePHP Auth Component. Make sure that this is working before you starting this tutorial.

First you have to create a (New) Application on the developers.facebook.com Homepage to get you API, APP, and Secret Vars for the API. These are required for Facebook to correctly integrate with external applications.

— If you know any other tutorials or plugins to add facebook connect in CakePhp, then let us know. Also if you have any request, do let us know. Happy Holidays 🙂 – MATT

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